堆肥を運ぶ牛 荷を負う馬

Nagasaki Japan Mar.12.1912
This shows the terraced famus and cattle hanking human excrement from the cities to fertilize the vegetable cprps. I am not eating any raw vegetables.

Showing Cattle carrying fertilizer

Nagasaki Japan Mar 10.1912
I was thinking of you when this picture was taken, for I knew you would be interested to know just how Japan has solved the Hitch Kack problem. You will notice that instead of tying the horse to a post or rack his fore legs are tied just above the knees. If you will call the City Councils Attention to .. at the next meeting it augst to be an easy matter to get to getten sincierely Ja Pa....
Mr D.Daves Litchfield Ill. U.S.A.
 Postmarked Mar.11. 1912 at Nagasaki