海外から長崎へ To Nagasaki from out of sea

Dear Grace   Jan 21 1895 Brooklyn N.Y
Many thanks for your pretty ..s which reached me on Sat.last. I will see that Ruth's & Katie's are delivereds to them. Suppose you have recieved my letter before this. We are having a big streat railway strike in B. For the furst time since the Civil war all the .... of Brooklyn has been called out & this morning the 71st ..g of New York was bought over. Public sympathy is largily with the striken. Ratie continues about the same. Mamma is not at all well.
Love to all Brooklyn Hopr you had a merry X-mas .. happy new year.

from KINGSTONE ON THAMES SURBITON.B.O  キングストン タメス サービトン
May 11 1903 to Jun. 27 1903 Nagasaki
Winifred Stone 4 Bund Nagasaki Japan