| Avery Saipan 1945 Bass Dailey
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| Scene of my drivers and myself on Saipan in Augast 1945. Aswell bunch of boys.
| | Heading for docks on Saipan -Sep.45 Shows harbor from road overlooking it.
| US Hosp.ship "Comfort" U.S. Destroyer and U.S. Heavy Cruiser "Wichita" in Nagasaki harbor on 23 Sept. 45. Taken from P.A.167 - "Freestone"
| | Drying rice on framer in the field. Near Nagasaki. Oct. 1945
| | Bombs and rockets did this in a short time - port of the big mitsubishi plant
| Part of atomized area with remains of Cathlic Church in the background. You can see why 90,000 wre killed.
| | Part of city near edge of Atomized area. Less effect have than in center of area. Oct. 1945
| | Formerly city hall of Nagasaki.
| Boats in inlet at mitsubishi Docks. Mitsubishi was 90% demolished!
| Entrance to Nip shrine in Atom area. How it remained standing is actually a miracle. Note devastation aroud it.
| Part of mitsubishi plant wiyh barrcks in the background. 6th Marines have taken it over. Oct. 1945
| | Mr Hettinger
| Tunnel entrances. The islands of Japan are honeycombed with them.
| Three little Nip girls. Most are much cuter than these.
| Jap firemen at work. Note helmet & hood. They've as funny as a circus and as useless as ice skates on Saipan.
| | Insare Niponese girl. She roams the strects all the time. Oct. 1945
| Nips children in playground. Oct.1945 Nagasaki,Japan
| Looking across Nagaski Habor from mitsubishi Plant.
| Poor picture of Nip soldiers awaiting transp. home for demobilinzation. Oct. 1945
| | Entrance to remains of old Catholic Church in Nagasaki, Japan.
| | Nip and baby near our quarters.
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